Cardiovascular Disease

sec_arr Myocarditis


Myocarditis is one type of cardiomyopathy due to infection, inflammation, or immune reaction.5 LEOs diagnosed with acute myocarditis should be restricted until ALL the following criteria are met:

  • asymptomatic;
  • normal 12-lead ECG;
  • normal 24-hour ECG;
  • normal left ventricular function defined by a normal EF as measured by a gated blood pool scan, 2-dimensional echocardiogram with Doppler, or ventriculogram;
  • normal imaging EST to at least 12 METs (see EST in Coronary Artery Disease section);
  • serum markers of myocardial injury (e.g., troponin), inflammation, and heart failure (e.g., B-type natriuretic peptide) have normalized.