Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders
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This section addresses ear, nose, and throat (ENT) disorders that could compromise t...
Peripheral Vertigo
Vertigo might impact the ability of the LEO to safely and effectively perform work at unprotected heights, operate an emerge...
Miscellaneous Otic Conditions
Otitis Media
Restrictions for acute otitis me...
Appendix A: Supplemental Information about Specific Conditions
Vestibular Neuronitis/Labyrinthitis...
Appendix B: Other Standards
FAA: Inner Ear: 2017 Edition of Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners, p. 49.
Howard ML, Talavera F, Gianoli GJ, Meyers AD. Middle ear, Tympanic membrane, perforations. Medscape. 2018. Medscape webpage. ...
Additional Resources
Qureishi A, Lee Y, Belfield K, Birchall JP, Daniel M. Update on oti...