
sec_arr Appendix C: Selected LEO Agency Hearing Standards and Guidelines

Appendix C: Selected LEO Agency Hearing Standards and Guidelines

Selected LEO Agency Hearing Standards and Guidelines




Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
49 CFR Part 391.41(6)(ii)
Physical Qualifications for Drivers

March 29, 2006

First perceives a forced whispered voice in the better ear at not less than 5 feet with or without the use of a hearing aid.


If tested by use of an audiometric device, does not have an average hearing loss in the better ear greater than 40 decibels at 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 2000 Hz with or without a hearing aid when the audiometric device is calibrated to the American National Standard, Z24.5-1951.

California Commission on Police Officer Standards and Training


Dec 2001

Should have normal audiogram (all thresholds between 500-6000 Hz are 25 dB or better in both ears.

If not normal, then should not be in the lower 5th percentile of the normal hearing group on the HINT test.

Hearing aides are acceptable with certain limitations.

United States Army
Army Regulation 40–501
Medical Services Standards of Medical Fitness

Sep 10, 2008

Current hearing threshold level in either ear greater than that described below is disqualifying:

  • Pure tone at 500, 1000, and 2000 cycles per second for each ear of not more than 30 decibels (dB) on average, with no individual level greater than 35 dB at those frequencies.
  • Pure tone level not more than 45 dB at 3000 cycles per second or 55 dB at 4000 cycles per second for each ear.
  • There is no standard for 6000 cycles per second.

Current or history of hearing aid use (V53.2) is disqualifying.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Human Resources Division Physician’s Guide Initial-Hire Medical Standards

July 2007

Hearing deficit in pure tone thresholds in both ears, the deficit in each ear averaging 35dB HL or worse at 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000 Hz. Those failing this, may have further testing and must have:

  • Pure tone thresholds in better ear indicating average hearing loss at 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000 Hz to be lower than 35 dB HL
  • Performance score of 80% or better on the speech discrimination test (NU-6 word lists) in the better ear.

Initial testing is without hearing aids. If candidate fails, they may use hearing aids for the follow-up examination, and must pass the examination based on sound field-testing.

State of New York Medical and Physical Fitness Standards and Procedures for Police Officer Candidates

Apr 23, 2003

…single hearing levels should not exceed 25 decibels (DB) at either 500, 1000, or 2000 Hz nor exceed 30 DB at 3000 Hz frequencies in each ear. For abnormal testing results between 4000 and 6000 Hz frequencies, further refined audiological evaluation is recommended.

Recourse testing (all well defined):

  • Hearing sensitivity
  • Speech discrimination is quiet
  • Speech discrimination in noise

Hearing aids are allowed.

State of New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council

May 2000

The candidate shall have unaided hearing in both ears sufficient to perform essential tasks without posing a direct threat to themselves or others. An acceptable test is a whispered conversation at 15 feet or, preferably, using an audiometer. The candidate shall have no average loss of 25 or more decibels at the 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000 Hz levels in either ear with no single frequency loss in excess of 40.

Kentucky Law Enforcement Council Peace Officer Professional Standards Medical Screening Guidelines

Dec 1, 1998

The candidate must have hearing in both ears sufficient to perform essential tasks without posing a direct threat to themselves or others. An acceptable test is a whispered conversation at 15 feet or, preferably, using an audiometer. The candidate shall have no average loss of 25 or more decibels at the 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000 Hz levels in either ear with no single frequency loss in excess of 40.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Jan 2009

  • average hearing loss of 25 decibels or less (ANSI) at 1000, 2000, and 3000 Hertz
  • single reading of 35 decibels or less at each of 1000, 2000, and 3000 Hertz
  • single reading of 35 decibels or less at 500 Hertz
  • single reading of 45 decibels or less at 4000 Hertz

United States Secret Service

Jan 2009

No hearing loss over 25 decibels at the 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz level in both ears.