
sec_arr Neurology


Alzheimer’s Disease Agents

Donepezil ARICEPT
Galantamine RAZADYNE
Memantine NAMENDA
Rivastigmine EXELON

D – diagnosis may dictate restriction


Carbamazepine TEGRETOL

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for sedation, behavior changes, ataxia, visual disturbances
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Ethosuximide ZARONTIN
Felbamate FELBATOL

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for sedation, dizziness, ataxia, behavior changes
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Fosphenytoin CEREBYX

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation, hypotension
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Gabapentin NEURONTIN
Lamotrigine LAMICTAL

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for sedation, dizziness, ataxia, behavior changes
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Levetiracetam KEPPRA

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for sedation, ataxia, behavior changes
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Oxcarbazepine TRILEPTAL

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for sedation, dizziness, ataxia, visual disturbances
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction


S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Phenytoin DILANTIN

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for dizziness, ataxia, behavior changes
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Pregabalin LYRICA

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for sedation, dizziness, ataxia, behavior changes, visual disturbances
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Primidone MYSOLINE

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for sedation, ataxia, behavior changes, visual disturbances
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Tiagabine GABITRIL

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for sedation, dizziness, tremor, ataxia, behavior changes
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Topiramate TOPAMAX

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, visual disturbances, sedation
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Valproic acid DEPAKOTE

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, sedation
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Zonisamide ZONEGRAN

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for sedation, dizziness, ataxia, behavior changes, visual disturbances
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Antimigraine Agents – Triptans

Almotriptan AXERT
Eletriptan RELPAX
Frovatriptan FROVA
Naratriptan AMERGE
Rizatriptan MAXALT
Zolmitriptan ZOMIG
Sumatriptan IMITREX

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation

Antimigraine Agents – Other

Acetaminophen and butalbital and caffeine FIORICET
Aspirin and butalbital and caffeine FIORINAL
Dihydroergotamine MIGRANAL

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of sedation

Ergotamine and caffeine CAFERGOT

A – approved while on duty

Isometheptene and dichloralphenazone and acetaminophen MIDRIN

A – approved while on duty; monitor for dizziness

Antimyasthenic Agents

Edrophonium TENSILON

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of arrhythmia and hypotension
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Neostigmine PROSTIGMIN
Pyridostigmine MESTINON

A – approved if taken off duty
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Antiparkinson Agents

Amantadine SYMMETREL
Benztropine mesylate COGENTIN
Bromocriptine PARLODEL
Carbidopa and levodopa SINEMET
Pergolide PERMAX
Pramipexole MIRAPEX
Ropinirole REQUIP
Trihexiphenidyl ARTANE

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for dizziness, sedation, orthostatic hypotension, behavior changes
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Other Neurologic Agents

Glatiramer COPAXONE

S – approved if taken off duty (with appropriate delay before returning to full duty to assure that there are no further residual effects); risk of injection site reactions
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Interferon beta 1a AVONEX

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, dizziness, visual disturbances
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Interferon beta 1b BETASERON

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, dizziness
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Nimodipine NIMOTOP

D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Oxybate XYREM

T – temporary restriction at beginning of treatment; monitor for behavior changes, sedation
D – diagnosis may dictate restriction

Riluzole RILUTEK

D – diagnosis may dictate restriction