Tactical Teams

sec_arr Appendix C: Job Functions of Tactical Team Members

Appendix C: Job Functions of Tactical Team Members

1. Job functions related to the SWAT missions relevant to the majority of tactical teams and officers:

SWAT core competencies fall within three general categories:

  • Weapons, munitions, and equipment training
  • Individual and team movement and tactics
  • Decision-making

SWAT Essential job functions include:

  • Immediate action operation/crisis entry
  • Deliberate entry and search
  • Victim rescue procedures (i.e., moving patients)
  • Perimeter control/containment
  • Team movement and team tactics
  • Deployment of diversionary devices
  • Climbing ladders
  • Detection of booby traps
  • Rappelling/fast roping (airborne and static)
  • Armored vehicle operations
  • Use of specialized equipment and weapons

2. Specialized environments needing additional PPE:

HazMat/CBRNE operations:

  • Entering Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) environments:
  • Wear a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)
  • Wear a level A Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) suit
  • Wear a level B OSHA suit

Waterborne operations:

  • Personal Flotation Device (PFD)
  • Exposure suit

Airborne operations:

  • Nomex flight suit
  • Helmet

3. Types of specialized equipment used by most officers within the tactical team

  • Long guns (several types)
  • Ballistic shields (typical weight is 15-40 pounds)
  • Breaching tools/mechanical and ballistic breaching (12-gauge shotgun, rams, picks, pullers, sledgehammer…)
  • Night vision equipment
  • Armored vehicle
  • Ballistic PPE: hard body armor (level III or IV/heavier than for patrol), helmet
  • Distraction devices (“flash-bang”)
  • Full-face air-purifying respirator
  • Level C OSHA suit

4. Essential job functions limited to specialized officers within the tactical team*

  • Use of a scoped rifle (marksman)
  • Explosive breaching
  • Control of remotely controlled vehicle (land or airborne)
  • Chemical agent application
  • SWAT canine handling

*This document does not address crisis negotiation or tactical emergency medical support.

The following information is intended to help you make informed decisions regarding your job activities if you are pregnant or considering becoming pregnant. While some pregnant tactical team members will be able to continue to work throughout pregnancy with accommodations, you should discuss with your treating healthcare provider any individual conditions that may require limitation of activities during pregnancy.

Types of Risks

The following activities/occupational hazards may have adverse effects at any time during pregnancy:

  • Live-fire qualification and practice (for example, use of lead-free ammunition, avoidance of weapon cleaning solvents and other modifications may reduce the exposure and resultant risks)
  • Receiving a TASER discharge in training
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals (for example, raids on clandestine drug labs, HAZMAT events)
  • Exposure to high-volume vehicular traffic (for example, assignments near tunnels and tolls, or foot patrol in an area with high exposure to vehicular exhaust)
  • Trauma (even simple falls)
  • Increased heat-related risks due to physical exertion, body armor and weight of equipment

First trimester – In addition to the above, there are no other activities with an adverse effect.

Second trimester – In addition to the above, the following activities may have adverse effects:

  • Defensive tactics training involving ground fighting, falls, or blunt abdominal trauma
  • Contact with prisoners (due to risk of trauma)
  • Restraining and arresting suspects
  • Alternating shift work, prolonged standing and heavy lifting

Third Trimester – In addition to the above, there are no other activities with an adverse effect. Activities that involve or require speed, agility and balance may be adversely affected by body changes of pregnancy.

Post-Delivery Risks

Post-delivery – Return-to-work decisions should be based upon an individualized evaluation of your current status, the requirements of your work assignment, and the type of delivery and complications.

Lactation – Exposure to toxic substances as outlined above (for example, live-fire training) may result in these substances being present in breast milk.

Standard body armor is not designed to protect the fetus, and typically does not cover the lower abdomen. The body armor fitted pre-pregnancy may not offer the same level of protection during pregnancy.

The International Association of Chiefs of Police has also developed a model policy on pregnancy which can be ordered through their web site at http://www.theiacp.org/model-policy/model_policy/pregnancy/

More complete information is available in the Pregnancy chapter of the ACOEM Guidance for Medical Evaluation of Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs).