
sec_arr Recommended Activity Modifications During Pregnancy

Recommended Activity Modifications During Pregnancy

The following activities are not recommended during the entire pregnancy:

  • Firearms qualification and practice with live ammunition using gunpowder propellant 36,52
  • Receiving a TASER discharge in training53
  • Oleoresin capsicum exposure in training (unknown risk)
  • Hazmat assignment or exposure to toxic chemicals (e.g., firing range assignment, vehicle maintenance assignment)
  • Exposure to ionizing radiation20,39
  • Exposure to high-volume vehicular traffic, such as assignments near tunnels and tolls, or foot patrol in an area with high exposure to exhaust fumes
  • Aviation unit assignment20,39,40,41
  • Raids on clandestine drug labs

Recommendations by Trimester:

First Trimester

  • Modified duty only if requested by officer in consultation with her personal (treating) physician
  • Patrol duties may be permitted
  • See Recommended Activity Modifications above for activities that are not recommended during the entire pregnancy

Second Trimester

  • Patrol duties may be permitted, if the officer is able and willing to perform them. The police physician should ensure that the officer and her treating physician are aware of risks created by the job assignment.
  • Modified duty if requested by officer (e.g., investigation, office work)
  • An accommodation for maternity uniform or civilian clothing may be needed
  • See Recommended Activity Modifications above for activities that are not recommended during the entire pregnancy

The following activities are also not recommended during the second trimester:

  • Firearms qualification and practiceg
  • Defensive tactics training involving ground fighting, falls or blunt trauma
  • Contact with prisoners (due to risk of trauma)
  • Restraining and arresting suspects
  • Assignments with alternating shift work
  • Standing post assignment
  • Heavy lifting and prolonged standing

Third Trimester

  • The LEO may have to be taken off patrol duties, when she is unable to perform the required job functions, due to issues with balance, speed and agility. She should be given a modified duty assignment.
  • An accommodation for maternity uniform or civilian clothing may be needed
  • See Recommended Activity Modifications above for activities that are not recommended during the entire pregnancy

The following activities are also not recommended:

  • Firearms qualification and practiceg
  • Defensive tactics training
  • Contact with prisoners (due to risk of trauma)
  • Restraining and arresting suspects
  • Assignments with alternating shift work
  • Standing post assignment
  • Heavy lifting and prolonged standing