Law enforcement officers (LEOs) with fibromyalgia might be capable of safe and effective job performance. This is dependent on:
Any clinica...
LEOs with fibromyalgia can be cleared for full duty if they meet the following criteria:
No current history of pain, fatigue, sleep disturb...
It is the consensus of the Public Safety Medicine Task Group that LEOs with stable and well-controlled fibromyalgia should be reevaluated at least annua...
Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that presents with diffuse musculoskeletal pain. It frequently presents with tender points, fatigue, non-restorative ...
A thorough but focused history and physical are critical in the evaluation of LEOs with fibromyalgia. The key symptoms of fibromyalgia are diffuse wides...
Fibromyalgia has a wide spectrum of impairment ranging from no functional limitations to marked functional impairment including, but not limited to. Ina...
Appendix D: Guidelines from Other Organizations
The medical qualification of persons with fibromyalgia in safet...
It is the consensus of the Public Safety Medicine Task Group that LEOs with stable and well-controlled fibromyalgia should be reevaluated at least annua...
The following tasks may be used as part of the job task simulation test while wearing essential LEO equipment (duty belt, ammunition, body armor, handgu...
Garcia-Rios MC, et al. Effectiveness of health education in patients with fibromyalgia: a systematic review. Eur J Phys Rehab Med. 2019;5...