Infectious Diseases

sec_arr Supplemental Information on Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever

Supplemental Information on Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever

General Description: A hemorrhagic fever virus infection with an average mortality rate of 50%. Over 28,000 cases reported in the 2014-2016 West Africa outbreak.  Incubation period 2-21 days.

Mode of Transmission: Direct contact with body fluids of persons who are sick with the disease, or have died from the disease.  Rare sexual transmission reported from male survivor to partner.  Locally acquired infections in the U.S. occurred in healthcare workers caring for patients who were part of the West Africa outbreak.

Efficiency of Transmission/Attack Rate: In meta-analyses of outbreak investigations, 8% for minimal contact to 83% for touching a corpse. Household secondary attack rate 12%. 27% of Ebola infections were asymptomatic.

Period of Communicability: During acute illness; may be excreted in semen for months.

Effect on LEO Fitness for Duty: Long-term sequelae of ebola infection including fatigue, arthralgias, and visual disturbance could affect an officer or applicant’s ability to perform essential job functions.

LEO-Specific Clinical Studies/Reports:  None.

Personal Protective Equipment for Ebola Exposure: See Appendix A

OSHA Fact Sheet. PPE Selection Matrix for Occupational Exposure to Ebola Virus: Guidance for common exposure scenarios.  Accessed on March 8, 2024.


Guidance on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in U.S. Healthcare Settings during Management of Patients Confirmed to have Selected Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers or Patients Suspected to have Selected Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers who are Clinically Unstable or Have Bleeding, Vomiting, or Diarrhea. Accessed on March 8, 2024.